Do you want to expand your psychic abilities?

..Over the years of working as a shaman, psychic, and energy healer, I have had the pleasure of meeting many other people who are as passionate and gifted in this field as I am.
..Over the years of working as a shaman, psychic, and energy healer, I have had the pleasure of meeting many other people who are as passionate and gifted in this field as I am.

Does my story sound similar to yours?......Over the years of working as a shaman, psychic, and energy healer, I have had the pleasure of meeting many other people who are as passionate and gifted in this field as I am. Some were born with their abilities, some came into it through some sort of life-altering event, others trained themselves to be open. The latter group often achieved this by attending psychic development circles.I studied in a Spiritualist psychic development circle for about five years. Even though I was born with my abilities, I had no idea how to control them, or even that they could be controlled. I would go around picking up on other's energy. Their thoughts, their pain, their feelings. I carried it with me. I didn't know how to separate what others felt from what I felt. I would also project my energy and thoughts onto others rather than expressing them verbally. By doing these things without even realizing it, my abilities were causing me to invade others' privacy, bring undo harm to myself, and hindering my capacity to communicate clearly and maturely. I wish I could tell you my story is unique, but it isn't. Too many natural empaths, intuitives, and mediums run around doing the exact same things that I did. Quite a few even work this way with their clients.Psychic development not only helped me to turn my gifts "off" when I'm not using them, it helped me to understand what it felt like when I was using them, and what it felt like when I wasn't. It helped me to understand how my body responds physically and psychically to working as a psychic vs as a medium vs as a healer. I learned the importance of asking for permission to work. Just because I can read someone's energy doesn't mean I should. Without having attended that circle, I would not be an ethical practitioner today. I probably wouldn't be practicing at all! I truly believe that anyone can benefit from psychic development, after all we are all psychic, all capable of doing these things. However, anyone who chooses to work in this field owes it to their clients as well as themselves to get into a good development circle. Most of us born with these skills grow up using them for survival. There are very few people who learn on their own to control their gifts and use them in an ethical fashion. When we work for others, we can't be coming from a place of surviving (fear based). We must come from a place of love.Even if you're not a practitioner, development class can help you expand your gifts (we are all psychic to some extent!) or control the gifts you already have. Check out my recorded classes to learn at your own pace! To purchase all 12 classes plus an additional class on connecting to the Divine Self, click here!The class lists are below:First six classes of Psychic Development Class can be purchased here.They include:1.Energy and psychic connection basics2. How to give a psychic reading3. Mediumship basics4. Using water for psychic work (this technique is great for empaths, "feelers," or others who struggle to visualize information)5. An opening excercise/meditation that we often use to start out the class and get warmed up6. ConsciousnessSecond six classes of Psychic Development Class can be purchased here.  They include:7. Practicing Clairaudience8. Psychometry9. Intro to Working with Spirits10. Reading at all vibration levels (psychic, spirit, healing)11. Tandem Psychic Readings (multiple readers working at once)12. Energy HealingUpon purchase you will have six recordings sent to you via email. This purchase is not refundable. If you have a problem with the order, please let me know!


New Series: Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is one of the many tools a shaman can use to offer guidance to members of their community.

Do you want to expand your psychic abilities?

..Over the years of working as a shaman, psychic, and energy healer, I have had the pleasure of meeting many other people who are as passionate and gifted in this field as I am.

Psychic Development Class Bundles are up!

I promised I would release recordings for those who want to learn but can't make it to the live classes. Well, the first set of those classes is now available for purchase! I'll keep releasing them in groups of six, and I will leave the older lessons up as new sets are released.