An Open Letter to Those Who Have Lost a Loved One

To Those of You Left in Grief,
To Those of You Left in Grief,

To Those of You Left in Grief,  

You often call me, and people like me, who offer our services to the public as psychics and/or mediums.  I received a call from one of you today. The person you are grieving for may have died three days ago, or thirty years ago. Regardless, it feels like 3 hours ago, and you are worried that they are still in pain. You always, always ask, "I just want to know if they are ok. I want to know where they are."

I am not in communication with your loved one now. I speak from my own experience and knowledge of what lies past this physical plane. Your loved one is fine. Their suffering stopped the moment they took their last breath. They will remember, for awhile, what that suffering may feel like, but they don't feel it. What they do feel is love. Their love for you, and everyone else they left behind, never stopped. It goes on, and it will go on forever. When nothing is left of either of you, that love continues anyway. As for where they went, the details really don't matter. We all come from and return to the same source. What you call that source depends on your culture or religion. That doesn't matter either. What does matter is that your loved one is no different from anyone else, and they are back where they came from. When you die, you will go back to that same place too. Even if you or your loved one did terrible things in your lifetimes. Even if you did wonderful things. All that means is that you both had experiences. Be thankful you loved someone enough to miss them. Enough to call a stranger and trust them to listen to your grief. Ask the one you lost for a sign of their love. Even if they never gave you one in life, they will give you one now.

All my love, Memphis


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Channeled Messages
An Open Letter to Those Who Have Lost a Loved One

To Those of You Left in Grief,

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